Arduino is an amazing tool for physical computing. It’s an open source micro controller board, plus a free software development environment. Use it to make cool interactive objects that can sense inputs from switches, sensors, and computers and then control motors, lights, and other physical outputs in the real world.
Showing 1–30 of 113 Result
Arduino Accessories (75)
A wide range of accessories such as sensors, modules and other stuff for your Arduino Board. Brought to you straight from manufacturers and delivered to your doorstep -
Boards (9)
Arduino has powered Makers' Community like anything, from Arduino UNO to Pro Micro, MakersKart brings you a wide selection of Programmable Boards compatible with Arduino IDE. -
Kits (4)
Life will be very simple if you can find all the places at one single place. Isn't it? MakersKart brings to you a wide range of DIY Kits serving various purposes of Designing and Rapid Prototyping . -
Shields (39)
Arduino is a powerful tool, but Arduino Boards combined with proper shields are unstoppable. MakersKart brings a wide range of Arduino Shields and other accessories that enable you to keep your hands dirty with making!!
Showing 1–30 of 113 Result